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1120 Summit Street Norwood, Colorado 81423

Heritage Harvest Produce Show Guidelines   arrow

Bring produce entries to the CSU Extension Tent at the Heritage Harvest Festival on Saturday, October 7th at the Nucla Town Park from 10 am to noon.
We would like to judge the produce publicly beginning at 1 p.m. or as soon as everything is labeled. It will be a learning opportunity for everyone. We will attach comment cards to each entry. Let us know in advance if you want your produce judged or if it is just for display.
We will do our best to get your entry back to you in good, edible condition at the end of the day.
Be aware that being displayed out of doors may decrease the quality of your entry.
If you can’t meet the guidelines perfectly, just bring the best you can– It’s more about seeing
the beautiful diversity of produce grown in our area than competing!! If you grow hybrids, not
heirlooms, bring them!
Each variety or produce type counts as one entry. An example: you could bring 2 entries for
slicing tomatoes (an entry of ‘Granny Cantrell’ and ‘Green Zebra’ tomatoes) or 3 entries of
potatoes (‘Purple Mountain’, ‘Colorado Rose’, ‘Rio Grande Russet’), etc. If you don’t know the
variety, we will label it by type (slicer tomato, cherry tomato, beet, carrots, bush beans, etc…)
Bring things to the stage of optimum eating quality and as blemish-free as possible. It’s not
about size, it’s about quality! (We will have a separate category for the largest produce.)
Brush any dirt off your entries but don’t wash them, unless you grew with chemicals.
If possible, leave the leaves on things like carrots, rutabagas, beets, etc. to show the entire
plant. Cabbages can have a few outer leaves on as long as we can see the edible portion.
Taste is very important, but we will not be tasting this time.

  • for smaller things like green onions, cherry tomatoes, cherries, grapes, berries,
    etc., bring a cluster or 6-12 of each (or about a half cup).
  • For larger things such as onions, leeks, cucumbers, summer squash, winter squash,
    large tomatoes, peppers, potatoes, tree fruits, etc., bring 3-6 of each entry. If you only have 1,
    we will accept it.
  • If you have big pumpkins, winter squash, cabbages, etc. you can bring just one.
  • You can bring flowers too! 1-3 stems of the same variety in a pop bottle or small
    Thank you! We are excited to see what you bring! (For more information, contact Yvette at
    327-4393 or