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Go here for Seed Saving

Go to Storing Vegetable and Flower Seeds

Here is more on the Storage of Home-Grown Vegetables

SMB Regional Seed Library Information!

The SMB Regional Seed Library will be restocked and at the Norwood and Naturita Libraries this spring! 

The main goals of the seed library are:

  1. To provide seeds of plants that do well in our area
  2. To grow more seed savers and a source of regionally adapted seed, donated by local seed savers.

You don’t have to donate seed to the seed library to get seeds, but it would be great if you did!  See our Seed Library brochure for more information.

We have all you need to help you save seeds successfully, just get in touch!

The CSU Seed box, notebook and seed packets for you to check out at the Library.
  1. Go by the public Library where the SMB Regional Seed Library is housed.
  2. If you can’t stop by the Library, contact Yvette to make arrangements to get seeds.
  3. Fill out the membership form link below.
  4. Select up to 5 packets of seeds (include first and alternate choices on the form). Seed availability link below.
  5. Email your form to or call her at  970-708-4786 or give to Library staff and get your seeds at the Lone Cone Library.
Seed Availability Link
Seed Library Membership Form
Seed Saving Brochure
Varieties of Veggies that do well in San Miguel Basin

San Miguel Basin Master Gardeners Logo

Lone Cone Library Logo


Did you know we offer free diagnostic services?


We have an email specifically for this  (It stands for San Miguel Basin Colorado Master Gardeners). If you have a plant or tree problem or need a plant or insect identified, send photos to this email, along with information describing the problem by using the forms below.

Link for SMB Tree/Shrub Diagnostic pdf Form

Fillable Form – Tree/shrub Diagnostics

Link for SMB General Diagnostic pdf Form

Fillable Form – General Diagnostics

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