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For Food Safety Training for Cottage Food Producers,

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Young couple cutting up food and cooking together.
Young couple cutting up food and cooking together.

High Elevation Food Preparation Guide

Newcomers to Colorado or those traveling to the mountains are often surprised when their favorite recipes at sea level fail to produce expected results when made at higher elevations.

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Planning Healthy Family Meals

MyPlate website
My Plate website

Finding and creating family recipes can be a lot of fun.  Connecting with can help you plan healthy meals on a budget.

As a young person, I enjoyed when my family would get together to plan meals.  I carried this tradition forward to my children, so that they helped plan our dinner meals.  This activity helped my children learn to create healthy meals and many happy memories.   When children have a say in meal planning, you honor their preferences and opinions. This positive focused time can create future opportunities to have some difficult conversations while planning or cooking.

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